


                    Yesterday was an all day sea bass run. The fish were there in numbers! They need to be 12 1/2 inches to keep and about 9 out of ten were a quarter inch short. Still we pieced together our limit of 50 out of i'm guessing 500 we caught.Our youngest caught a dandy tog which he proudly released.Our lady angler got two of three "dinner plate" porgies that we added.We kept a couple shark bait bluefish from a blitz we found on the way home.Most of our sea bass trips are half day but they had so much fun we stretched to all day.Gotta love sea bass!


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Reel Happy - Highlands NJ - Sandy Hook Fishing Charters

Capt.G 908-770-7438
Bakers Basin Marina
1 Marina Bay Court
Highlands NJ
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